Sunday 24 August 2008


Iron Cross 2007. This is Nick Burton of the Watchung Wheelmen at the very top of the Wigwam / Powerline climb. The picture tells the entire story. You can now see the reason for the climb's appellation (note the powerlines - but we're not yet certain about the 'Wigwam' part) and Nick's face reveals his sheer relief at reaching the summit.

Note also the stunning vistas to be seen in the State Forest - not that the riders have much time to admire them.

Actually the image is a bit deceptive in that it looks as though the ridge in the middle distance is higher than the foreground. This is not the case at all, camera angle and foreshortening due to the telephoto lens being used create an illusion. What you see is in fact the 'pre-climb' for the ascent - the first 'bump' if you like. Get to the top of that and you are then confronted with the real problem.

Lastly if the race seems a bit underpopulated, try examining the full size image (click on the picture above) and then look closely at the trail in the distance and see all the lost souls with still about 40 miles racing ahead of them... (photo - Bina Briggs)

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