Saturday 23 August 2008


Non-US readers in particular may be wondering about the name of the club that organises the Iron Cross - Yellow Breeches Racing (YBR).

The club is named for the creek (a small river or stream to us Brits') which rises in the Michaux State Forest and runs down the Cumberland Valley passing close to the equally elegantly named resort town of Boiling Springs, just south of Carlisle - home of YBR.

Last year our B&B host - an enthusiastic local historian, explained the derivation of the name.

During the American Revolutionary War in the late 1700s, when British Redcoats forded the creek wearing their red coats and white trousers (breeches), after crossing, they realized that the creek had turned their breeches yellow. The American Revolutionaries apparently found this hugely amusing, and so the name stuck. So now you know...

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