Sunday, 17 August 2008


(photo - John Rawnsley Archive)

I don't know about anyone else, but I really love looking at old / retro / historic pictures - and so having obtained John Rawnsley's OK - here's a full-size / full resolution version of the 1961 'Peaks finish photo in the sidebar at the right (click on the image to view full size version).

In fact, if anyone has any good images of either the Three Peaks or the Iron Cross which you'd like to see on this blog, send then to me in jpeg form* at and I'll place them here on the site for everyone's delectation.

* As large size & high resolution as possible, but aim for 1 to 2 mb maximum file sizes (for example the pic above is about 500kb).

They can be anything at all connected with either race - even just a picture of you that you're rather proud of. It goes without saying that we'd be very interested in images from the early years of the 'Peaks in particular.

Let us have as much detail of when the image was taken and where - and any other relevant information. Please also ensure that the copyright holder (usually the person who took the photo) is happy for it to be published.

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